2019 New Year Resolutions- Shopping Edition

I am not a big New Year’s resolution person. I find that if there is something i need to change in my life i do not wait for the New Year to do it. For example I decided back in August that I wanted to be more heathy than i had in the past year (thanks work), so I now go to the gym 3-5 times a week (and believe me I HATE going but i love candy too much so) and i don’t do scales (literally my doctor hates me) so I just focus on eating healthy. I didn’t wait for the New yYar because I knew it was a change I needed to make then. But as 2019 came around I decided I wanted to get better about my shopping habits. Maybe it was all the great deals i scored during the holiday sales or my over flowing closet or my new obsession with learning about fast fashion, but I knew I wanted to make a change to how and what I buy. Below are the guidelines I am going to try to stick to for 2019. Will I slip up- probably but will i let that stop me from trying to follow my goals- no!

  • 1- Stick to Basics– I often get distracted by trends. I will see the same style all over Instagram and everyone will look so cute in the pieces. Deep down I know that’s not the look for me but I often find myself buying the item…and then it sits in the closet. Plus a lot of the trendier items are from fast fashion retailers like Zara and Forever21 which is something I am trying to stay away from.
  • 2- Conscious Buying– I want to be clear about my new fast fashion kick- I am not saying don’t ever buy fast fashion. I think fast fashion definitely has its time and place. I am not a billionaire and therefore love the cost savings of fast fashion. What I am saying is that I don’t want to buy a piece just because it is cheap. I often find myself wandering around in a big fast fashion retailer buying something because its “only $10”. That should not be the reason you pick up something. The reason should be because you need it in your wardrobe and it is a good addition to your closet. So with every piece I am buying I am going to think how does this work in my wardrobe? Where can i wear it? How many times will I wear it?
  • 3- Follow the Wishlist– I love to write out lists and I especially love to write out wishlists. Items on my wishlist are things I have been eyeing for awhile and have researched. Therefore they are way better purchases then the random designer item I find on sales. Sales often lure us in because of the deal. But if not the exact color, size, or item you want there is a good chance you buy the sale item AND the one you really wanted on your wishlist.
  • 4- Don’t buy multiples (unless it really is your favorite shirt)- I have a tendency to find something on sale and buy it in ten colors when all I really needed was one. I normally have a clear favorite and will only wear that one color. So again I need to make sure not to fall prey to the sales.